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A member registered Nov 07, 2019

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I confirm I have the same problem

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as far as I could I helped you;) ... your games are great and I love the way you do it. If I could find a way to translate it into Italian it would be perfect. Thank's for your job!

(1 edit)

beautiful job congratulations!!!!

good evening everyone, sorry my english ...
I have a question at version 0.5.4: I solved all the ruth points up to 6 but point 5 continues to be unsolved (Ruth and the old headmaster were having an affair. Use the information to blacmail her). it's normal? is a mistake a bug?
thanks for the reply and merry christmas

You are a genius!!! this game is awesome! I was stuck for hours, every character has his character, and with each one you have a unique interaction that then combines with the story! Good boy! good boy! Good boy!
excuse my English, I am Italian, I speak very little English!